ArcGIS Services Directory

Generate KML (Putnam/PutnamOperational)

Document Name:
    7 (0)
      Annotation_400 (1)
        Parcel 400 (2)
        Route 400 (3)
        Lot Number 400 (4)
        Acreage 400 (5)
        Parcel Text (6)
      Annotation_100 (7)
        Parcel 100 (8)
        Route 100 (9)
        Lot Number 100 (10)
        Acreage Anno 100 (11)
      Dimensions (12)
        Dimensions_400 (13)
        Dimensions_100 (14)
      Road_Rail_Anno (15)
        Road_Name (16)
        Road_Width (17)
        Interstate (18)
        U.S._Route (19)
        State_Route (20)
        County_Route (21)
        County_Sub_Route (22)
        RailRoad_Name (23)
      ParcelBoundary (24)
      LeaderArcs (25)
      ParcelHooks (26)
      RIVERS_LINES (27)
      US_ROUTES (28)
      STATE_ROUTES (29)
      INTERSTATES (30)
      STREET (31)
      Buildings_Polys (32)
      Parcels (33)
      RIVERS_LINES (34)
      Rivers_Streams (35)
    6 (36)
      Annotation_400 (37)
        Parcel 400 (38)
        Route 400 (39)
        Lot Number 400 (40)
        Acreage 400 (41)
        Parcel Text (42)
      Dimensions (43)
        Dimensions_400 (44)
        Dimensions_100 (45)
      ParcelBoundary (46)
      LeaderArcs (47)
      ParcelHooks (48)
      RIVERS_LINES (49)
      US_ROUTES (50)
      STATE_ROUTES (51)
      INTERSTATES (52)
      STREET (53)
      Buildings_Polys (54)
      Parcels (55)
      RIVERS_LINES (56)
      Rivers_Streams (57)
    5 (58)
      Annotation_400 (59)
        Parcel 400 (60)
        Route 400 (61)
        Lot Number 400 (62)
        Acreage 400 (63)
        Parcel Text (64)
      LeaderArcs (65)
      ParcelBoundary (66)
      ParcelHooks (67)
      RIVERS_LINES (68)
      US_ROUTES (69)
      STATE_ROUTES (70)
      INTERSTATES (71)
      STREET (72)
      Buildings_Polys (73)
      Parcels (74)
      RIVERS_LINES (75)
      Rivers_Streams (76)
    4 (77)
      CITIES (78)
      ParcelHooks (80)
      US_ROUTES (81)
      STATE_ROUTES (82)
      INTERSTATES (83)
      STREET (84)
      Parcels (85)
      majorRiversAndLakesPolygon_NHD_2002_utm83 (86)
      RIVERS_LINES (87)
      Rivers_Streams (88)
    3 (89)
      CITIES (90)
      ParcelHooks (92)
      US_ROUTES (93)
      STATE_ROUTES (94)
      INTERSTATES (95)
      STREET (96)
      Parcels (97)
      majorRiversAndLakesPolygon_NHD_2002_utm83 (98)
      RIVERS_LINES (99)
      Rivers_Streams (100)
    2 (101)
      CITIES (102)
      US_ROUTES (104)
      STATE_ROUTES (105)
      INTERSTATES (106)
      STREET (107)
      majorRiversAndLakesPolygon_NHD_2002_utm83 (108)
      RIVERS_LINES (109)
    1 (110)
      CITIES (111)
      INTERSTATES (113)
      US_ROUTES (114)
      STATE_ROUTES (115)
      STREET (116)
      majorRiversAndLakesPolygon_NHD_2002_utm83 (117)
      RIVERS_LINES (118)
Layer Options: All layers as a single composite image (Layers can't be turned on and off in client)
Each layer as a separate image
Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images